Our Services
Learn about all the services we provide at Tullow Day Care Centre.
Lunch in the Centre
Annual Holiday
Meals on Wheels
Befriending Service
Personal Care – Shower/Bath/Hairdressing
Bingo, Cards, Go for Life activities
Assistance with prescriptions / shopping
The Centre is governed by a Board of Directors who are all volunteers.
Parker Bath
We have a bath which is specially adapted for the disabled and is electrically controlled. This, along with the hoist enables wheelchair bound clients to enjoy a bath.
Some clients bring in their own laundry but we also have a Vanette which picks up & drops off laundry to clients at home. This service is available to all.
Day Room
We have a small library where clients can sit and chat, read or snooze after lunch.
Lunches, Dining and Meals on Wheels
We have seating for 50 clients. In the centre, clients enjoy a 4 course home cooked lunch.
Meals on Wheels are delivered to clients at home by 3 of our vehicles and approximately 60 meals are delivered daily (Monday – Friday) to the following areas – Crosslow, Ardattin, Coolroe, Ballintemple, Clonegal, Kildavin, Kilbride, Ballon, Fighting Cocks, Rathoe, Shillelagh Road, Rath West, Killinure, Tankardstown, Ballyconnell, Coolkenno, Crab Lane, Tobinstown, Rathvilly, Rathmore, Ballyhacket, Paulville, Ballykilduff, Straboe, Killerig, Grange, Grangeford, Castlemore, and Tullow town.
All dietary needs are catered for if at all possible.
Our good-as-new-shop is a source of income for the Centre.
It is a service for both our clients and all in the Community and is open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 1pm.
All are welcome to come in and browse. We are also very happy to receive clothing donations from the community.

We have 6 vehicles – 2 mini buses, 3 wheelchair vanettes & 1 commercial vehicle. The average daily mileage of each of our mini-buses is 100 kilometres – transporting the elderly to and from the centre and meals on wheels deliveries.
The areas we collect from are Crosslow, Ardattin, Coolroe, Ballintemple, Clonegal, Kildavin, Kilbride, Ballon, Fighting Cocks, Rathoe, Shillelagh Road, Ballyconnell, Coolkenno, Tobinstown, Rathvilly, Straboe, Killerig, Grange, Grangeford, Castlemore and Tullow town.
Three of our vehicles are adapted with a special hydraulic lift for wheelchairs. The elderly benefit greatly from this service as loneliness is a major problem especially for the retired and those living alone.
Transport is essential, particularly when relatives work or live elsewhere. Clients are not charged for this service. If you live outside our catchment area, please contact our office on 059-9151833.

Befriending Service
Our befriender telephone service is available to all who would like a phone call. You don’t have to be availing of any of our other services to receive a call.
If you enjoy chatting with someone over the phone or if you are lonely and would like someone to talk to, our befrienders can give you a call twice a week, and this service is completely free.
For the benefit of our clients who come into the Centre, our befrienders assist clients with their coats, help them to their seats and make sure that they have a cuppa.
Befrienders are here to help with crosswords, taking part in activities like bingo or art class.
In some instances befrienders will accompany clients to their doctor and can run some small errands. Befrienders travel on our buses to assist clients when being collected and returned safely to their homes.
They are attentive at all times and build up great relationships with our clients, ensuring that our Centre is a ‘home from home’.
When the Centre was rebuilt and extended in 2002 a mortgage was obtained from the local Bank of Ireland. Within 3 years that mortgage was paid off thanks to major fundraising drives, helped greatly by the late Christy O Connor Jnr who with Donal Morrissey held several golf classics and raised the funds necessary to repay all loans.
Tullow Day Care Centre is partly funded by the HSE and DSP but every year fundraising is necessary to cover the day-to-day running costs of the Centre and its services.
Fundraising activities are ongoing in the Centre. Staff and clients run quizzes, raffles, line-draws and novelty bingos.
Staff and volunteers willingly give their time to help with Supermarket Bag Packs, Church Gate collection, St. Stephen’s Day Walk and also assists with the South Eastern Vintage Machinery Club tea-tent.
Since 1997 an annual Golf Classic is held in Mount Wolseley to raise funds for the Centre and local businesses and local golfers have always been great supporters of this event.
Two local golfers sell golf balls that have been found on the golf course and donate the proceeds to the Centre. An in-house lotto raises funds which are used to give an annual holiday to clients at a reduced rate and also funds our annual day trip.
The Centre has a partnership with the local Parkville Soccer Club whereby half the proceeds of all their lotto tickets sold in the Centre remain in the Centre. Regular collections made at birthday parties and funerals are generously donated to the Centre.
Donations are gratefully received all year round and can also be made online. The Centre welcomes bequests. The Management and staff greatly appreciate the generosity of the public in supporting all fundraising activities for the Centre.